HNRS CMP transitions into Stages 3-4 with funding boost from NSW Government

A multi-council management plan for the Hawkesbury River is a step closer thanks to a $432,000 grant from the State Government.

Now that Stage 2 is completed and gaps in knowledge confirmed in the Stage 1 Scoping Study have been addressed through completion of a number of technical studies as well as preliminary community engagement to identify priority threats facing the River system, the funding, awarded from the NSW Coast and Estuary grants program, will allow the project to move to Stages 3 and 4.

Stage 3 includes engaging with the community and stakeholders and identifying short and long term management options to manage key threats facing the estuary now and in the future. In Stage 4, the councils will prepare, exhibit and finalise the HNRS CMP before submitting it to the NSW Government for certification and adoption.

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